The Lake MX332 Shoes are race-ready mountain bike shoes with a snug fit and a comfortable build. They are especially idea for cross country riding or cyclocross racers. The upper of these shoes are made with Helcor Leather which is made to hold up through the abuse that an aggressive trail rider puts their equipment through on a daily basis. There is also an Outlast temperature regulating heel and tongue liner that keeps the rider’s feet comfortable through high effort. They are closed with Dual Side mounted push/pull Boa IP1 lacing system. This allows for the most precise fitting through all areas of the foot.
The sole of this shoe is made with a bathtub rubber material. This flat sole has a tighter heel which keep your foot close to the sole, assuring power transfer is not lost. These shoes will form to your foot and act as a second skin, making them an ideal choice for racing performance. The Lake MX332 Shoes are an excellent choice for cross county or cyclocross domination.